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Bleach Yoruichi Shihouin Cosplay Outfits Clothing
Bleach Yoruichi Shihouin Cosplay Outfits Clothing

Bleach Yoruichi Shihouin Cosplay Outfits Clothing

$92.00  $70.20

Samantha StewartX6

2 Date Added: 07/25/2017

I was super excited for this cosplay. I thought it would be truly accurate to the character. The jacket is wonderful, but that's about where the wonder stops... The costume did not come with hakama pants and a backless top like the one Yoruichi wears. In fact, it also did not come with the sleeve pieces she wears, either. Instead the main body is a dress. Not only a dress though, a dress that is difficult to move in. Never in a million years would I be able to raise my leg the way I ought to while wearing it. The sleeves, are not at all that. They are fingerless gloves made of stretchy material. They stop at the wrist and don't travel up the arm whatsoever. This is not what I was expecting and I'm disappointed that this is what I paid so much for - I even did the custom sizing and I'm disappointed.